Does Acupuncture Help Fight Inflammation in the Body?
Yes, acupuncture can help fight inflammation in the body and there are a multitude of ways it can do this. One way is by stimulating the vagus nerve. This is the longest nerve in the body, it runs from the brain all the way to the abdomen. It affects the parasympathetic nervous system, lung function, heart rate & digestion. It also decreases inflammation in the body by inhibiting cytokine production, this can help with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. It can not be cured by acupuncture, but acupuncture can help reduce pain, inflammation and increase joint flexion. Different acupuncture points have different functions. Some points stimulate the vagus nerve, some points stimulate other healing pathways that help balance the immune system, the nervous system, the circulatory system, etc.
Choosing points are done on a case-by-case basis. For instance, if our goal is to reduce inflammation the acupuncture point spleen 9 would be a good point. It is known for reducing swelling and is useful for sprains, strains, chronic pain, or arthritis. Acupuncture point stomach 36 reduces general inflammation, softens muscles, aids digestion, increases energy and vitality it is also boosts the immune system. An acupuncture point in the ear call “sympathetic” stimulates the vagus nerve. There are 365 commonly used acupuncture points in the body, and they all do many different things one of them is helping reduce inflammation.