At-Home Pain Management
The topic of pain is very complex and still being researched. Simply put, pain is a signal from the body to the brain that there is something wrong. This allows us to consciously comprehend that we have been hurt or injured so we can be careful and protect that area. While the pain signal is very important, it is also very uncomfortable, and many individuals seek methods of pain management at home. There are pharmacologic options to manage pain, but as these are outside of the scope of practice for the practitioners of the clinic, you would have to seek advice from a Medical Doctor or Pharmacist for more information.
For at-home non-pharmacological pain management, we have several options depending on what the pain is from. For any acute injuries, within the first few days, Ice is a great method to numb the pain signal from the tissues to the brain. Ice is very helpful for its analgesic effect, and its ability to reduce inflammation in acute injury. If the pain is from a tight sore muscle, then heat is more effective at reducing that tension and relaxing the muscle, which will relieve some if the pain. If the pain is from a painful joint, ice may be more beneficial. But if that joint pain is not from injuries but from a condition like arthritis, heat will be more effective.
Another option that some people take is topical lotions. Some of these offer a soothing effect of either cooling or heating the skin over the pain area which will help mitigate the pain signal going to the brain. Others, such as arnica infused creams will provide a natural anti-inflammatory effect to the area applied.
Pain management can be complex and if you are ever unsure of what method to try at home, please make an appointment to come in and see one of the practitioners at Goldsworthy Wellness and we will help guide you.